The dissemiNATION Podcast, an award winning show, sponsored by Golden Glass Rewards is now available here. So far, three episodes are available but hosts Mike and Bryan promise a flood of shows in the coming months. Often described as a dynamic duo, the podcast has already received some reviews as well as some other reviews. Golden Glass Rewards is working closely with Mike and Bryan to ensure a quality product.

In one of the most genuinely brilliant business moves of our generation, Golden Glass Global Gateway Inc. has purchased the rights to the Sun (the one in our solar system). Early Monday morning in the midst of winter storms catastrophes, GGGGI announced the acquisition to all of its sectors , prompting a rise of two degrees celsius in some parts of the country. If you are unfamiliar with the role of Sun, many scientists would consider it to be one of the most important inventions ever, right behind the personal computer and GPS. Certain scientists even believe that without the Sun, we could not survive as human beings, though this view has not been widely accepted in the scientific community. The price, two hundred millions dollars. Quite the bargain according to GGGGI outerspace real estate expert Terrence Tenapolt. According to outside analysts this puts GGGGI in a position to make more money than anyone else in recorded history. At a press conference, GGGGI President Hiroshi Morioka said the deal is so massive that it may be decades before the full spectrum of it is realized and understood or it may just take a few days. When asked what the plans for the Sun are, Morioka said the number one priority is to keep it burning, followed by the goal of marketing it to all parts of the globe. Since the announcement was rushed to the press, many of the legal details are still being ironed out, but it is clear that the deal gives GGGGI full ownership of the Phoenix Suns. The move, of course will trickle down to the various companies owned by GGGGI including Golden Glass International and your own Golden Glass Rewards. Expect to see several more Sun related rewards programs soon.

If there is one thing you can count on, it is threats coming your way as a result of success. Golden Glass Rewards has recently been targeted by several terrorist-like groups including The Suns of Restoration and The Indianapolis Jones’. Threats have been received via email and include phrases such as “We are threatening you”, “Consider this a threat”, and “You might think this is not a threat, but it is”. The reason for the threats is still unknown, but GGI officials believe there may be a connection between the threats and the recent Anti-Dissemination campaign. Head of Security William Wallets, trained in anti-terror tactics at The Sorbon, reacted quickly to ease the concerns of our staff and customers. Wallets has been working semi-feverishly between vacations and has enacted a three point plan. One, identify the threat. Two, eliminate the threat. Three, document what happened. GGI is currently in step one. Until the three point plan is finished, all rewards will come packaged in high security titanium alloy crates (additional shipping charges may apply).

Thinking of starting a band? Then you would be interested in GG Rewards Latest rewards program Band Name Surplus. We recently purchased the rights to all these soon to be band names from a fairly lucrative record company during a fire sale. Here is but a small fraction of the names we have acquired:

the tangerine muffin band
smithers and whistlers
slop funkdoodles
terra infirma
slot machine gangsters
terrible claw infidels
joke band name #7
pots and kilts
slam o haulics
the jumberwangs
fish cobs
reverse mudslides
tee jones johnson and the boys
the angst
the break-aparts
the heart o the matter
science putters
vigo’s wand
band stand morons
rob and the sly foxes
stilletto heals
the heavy sets
tarantula limbs
weasel bankers
the 401 k’s
transnational tripeline

Real Time Rewards brings you a look at prominent 17th century writer Charles Tickens. Born in London, Tickens quickly set to writing really good books that not everyone liked. His early works include A Tale of Two Settees, Our Mutual Fund, and All of Her Twists. He then disappeared for what seemed like weeks. After this clever absence, Tickens composed what would become his finest works, Grey Suspectations, Avid Copper Fields, and A Crisp Mascara. Because of his name, Charles Tickens was often confused with Charles Ives, the late great composer, but the two could not have been more different, unless they had different first names.

Thirty-two weeks ago we held associate meetings at all of our business units to discuss actions we are taking to address the continuing and significant economic challenges facing Golden Glass International, as well as many other companies across all industries. At that time, we announced our plan to less aggressively pursue cost savings, and to decelerate the alignment around Category Management in our Rewards Resources group. Yesterday, additional secret associate meetings were held at the locations that are being secretly impacted by the deceleration of our Category Management initiative. I’d like to share with you the fifty-three primary actions that were announced yesterday:

Golden Glass has some major things in the works for 2009. Customers will see exponential growth in new rewards programs. Here are just some of the things we are working on:
Britney Spears The Lost Recordings
Kelly Ripa Laundry Services
Lance Armstrong Dessert Recipes
Kanye West Numberless Watch Collection
Many Hairdos of the Phoenix Suns Style Guide
Bill Walton Quotables Magnets
Fake Patrick McGoohan Interviews
How Much is Lebron James Worth Raffle
Andrew Bird Whistling Lessons
LOST Original Sountrack Remixed by Britney Spears
What Would Allen Greenspan Do (WWAGD) Bracelets
UFO Coloring Books
Wikipedia Retaliation Guide
How to Avoid Things Guidebook
Anti-Dissemination Armbands
The Many Acting Roles of Kobe Bryant Poster Series
Jon Stewart Toupe Collection
365 Ways to Avoid Talking About Politics Calendar
How to Talk Your Way Out of Anything Pamphlet and DVD
365 Ways to Talk About Politics When No One Wants to Listen Calendar
The Many Faces of Terrell Owens Mug Collection

Do you have a desire to turn things around in 2009? If so, consider our New Years 2009 Rewards Package 1.0. It includes the following items and will be delivered sometime during the first eight months of 2009. Contact your rewards liaison for more details.

1 Flash Drive Containing 3 George Michael Songs
1 Picture of Australian Actor Leo McKern
1 Package of Frozen Chicken Tenders*
1 Champagne Popper
1 Newspaper

*Nuggets may be substituted depending on inventory

If it wasn’t obvious by now, this blog is working out really well. But some people are still nagging, dissing and hating. What do they think they will accomplish. Saying stuff like, “This blog sucks”, “I hate it”, or “I’ll never read this blog again”, has been pretty common from readers so far. But we obviously can’t consider these opinions as valid.

Many of our customer often ask us, why don’t you offer such and such rewards. Our reply is always, well because you didn’t tell us you wanted such and such you lazy sack. Sometimes customers really distract us from accomplishing our goals, but sometimes they can be a blessing in disguise(s). Anyway, our point being that if you have an idea for a rewards program, please share it with us. We can use our experience, resources and capital to bring that idea to fruition better than you ever could. Say you want a rewards program where someone cuts the crust off your toast everyday. You’ll say, hey I want a rewards program where someone cuts the crust off my toast everyday. We will say, uh no that’s never going to happen. You’ll leave feeling like a melon-faced loser, and then we’ll take the idea as if it was our own (unless its a bad one). Don’t worry, this is how capitalism was meant to work.

It is that time of the month again and we are forced to discontinue some of our rewards programs. When our axe falls, it could split a duck’s hair. Of course that doesn’t mean we just neglect that duck, and we will definitely clean up any mess we made. If you were one of the faithful few still subscribing to these rewards programs, you will be diverted to Cats Rewards. If you currently are a Cats Rewards member, you will be diverted to Flavored Tongue Scrapers Rewards. The following programs will end on November 30th, 2008:
Taco Breath
Worm Costumes
Bath of Beans
Vanilla-Grape Ice

There is no such thing as a vegetable. The definition of the word is traditional rather than scientific, however, and therefore the usage of the word is somewhat arbitrary and subjective, as it is determined by individual cultural customs of food selection and food preparation.

Golden Glass Rewards is pleased to announce our limited time holiday rewards offer. These rewards will run from December 1st to December 31st and be available for all customers on an as needed basis. Holiday Type Rewards packages may include the following:
Wrapping Paper
Golden Glass Rewards Gift Cards
Smoking Jacket
Small Cheese
30 Rock Season 1 DVD

Hamburger Recipe
1 Hamburger Patty
1 Hamburger Bun (Optional)
2 Fixins

1. Cook hamburger patty
2. Apply to bun (optional)
3. Add Fixins

Since the Golden Glass Rewards Blog debuted, many people have wondered why we chose this format. Well, we decided to take this time to let them know that the blog is only one aspect of Golden Glass Rewards. Of course you have the rewards themselves, award winning programs, check that. Also, we have introduced the Rewards Kiosks, thats a smash hit. Coming soon, the rewards magazine, newsletter, 24 hour cable TV channel and candy-gram services. There is no stopping GGR.

As if this blog wasn’t good enough already, Golden Glass Rewards is now offering live rewards on the blog. Our first installment went out today, La Cucaracha Rewards!!! These are free Real Time Rewards given to anyone with internet access, so whether you are a customer or not, enjoy!!!

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Las dos patitas de atras

Seriously, are you one of those liberals? Did you just join the Democratic Party when SNL started spoofing the 2008 US Election? Do you think the government owes you something? Do you think other people should pay for your maternity leave? Do you think insurance companies are out to get you? Do you only wash yourself once a week? Do you think green is a verb? Have you seen An Inconvenient Truth more than zero times? Do you think Al Gore won the election? Do you think 911 was a plot by our government to get oil but still complain about high gas prices? Do you think talking about politics is a form of community service? Do you think being poor is a virtue? Do you consider a 15 minute walk exercise? If so, you will love our new rewards program, Liberal Wallowing!!! Look for more details to come.

Everyday, check the blog everyday

Is your life plagued with disappointment and let downs? Do you fail to meet even your own low standards? Is complaining just as common as breathing for you? If you answered yes to these questions, you are a sad sack, officially. Here’s where to go from here. Get over it, with help from our newest rewards program, Sad Sack Rejuvenation!!! We don’t want any of our customers to be associated with these behaviors, we simply will not stand for it, so you shouldn’t either. The program will consist of a three year plan with weekly rewards and a mandatory monthly checkup from a GGI certified psychologist. Based on customer profiles, some of you will automatically be assigned to this program.

Do you take offense at Fox News Jokes? Do you think C-Span is leftist? Did Bill O’Reilly officiate your wedding? Do you like defending your property with an assault rifle type gun? Do you think war time is better than peace time? Do you have a disdain for taxes? Are you richer than you know? Have you ever hired someone to clean your house? Do you think graffiti art is appalling? If you answered yes to any of these, then you are leaning pretty far to the right, but that’s okay, we are here with our new rewards program Conservative Conglomeration!!! Look for more details to follow!!!

Golden Glass Rewards is pleased to announce our new spokesman, actor turned President Martin Sheen. You may remember Martin from when he was President of the United States under the alias Josiah Bartlett. His presidency received additional attention when Sheen and his staff agreed to let cameras into the White House and his two terms in office were filmed as a reality show called The Westerly Wings. Although this show was soon cancelled, it came back a year later as The West Wing, same format, different title. Although Martin is a newer customer to GGR, he has set the record for rewards subscriptions with 47. He maintains that Cats is his favorite program and he is excited about Huckabee 2016 Rewards, though he theorizes he may run for President again in that very same year. Since his presidency he has had roles in The Departed where he fell off a roof and Bobby where he was typecast as an older white man. If you are a customer you will soon receive complimentary Martin Sheen Rewards sporadically every week. Please do not refer to him as Marty, that really gets his goat.

We have selected some of the greatest links ever for you to visit. Give some of them a try even if you have no interest in them at all, you may develop an interest. In the future we may expand this section to have more links. Please check out the links and visit the sites.

With our new venture as supplier of White House rewards still fresh in our mouths, Golden Glass Rewards is taking steps to prepare for the big event and a new chapter in our history. We are looking to hire up to three more people and update some of our binders. You may see the blog undergo some changes, but they will all be good this time. Representatives from GGI have been meeting with PE Obama on a daily basis, advising him on our plan of attack, we think he is on board so far. We have moved so far ahead in politics in the last week, that we wouldn’t be surprised if a new cabinet position was created simply for rewards. It would be called Secretary of Rewards or Rewards General, something like that. 

At the same time, Golden Glass International is proud to announce that we will be backing Mike Huckabee for president in 2016. As much as we currently support the current administration, we want to have our hands in both baskets, we find it works a lot better in the long run. With this we want to announce officially our Huckabee 2016 rewards program. This program will be automatically given to each of our members for a six month trial period. Enjoy!!!

Barack Obama has indeed made Golden Glass Rewards the exclusive rewards provider for his upcoming term as President. Just minutes after news networks across the world announced he had been elected, Obama called GGI President Miles Tappish and said, “Miles, let’s make history”. With this partnership, the president-elect ushers in a new era of Golden Glass Rewards. You may see many changes for the better in the coming months, culminating with a huge celebration on inauguration day including a big announcement for rewards customers.

In a matter of hours, all this business will be over and some new business will be started. We might have a new president, but we’re not counting out George W. Bush just yet. Through all of the ups and downs of this country, GGI has been here, reliable, dependent, caring and trustworthy. Think about that as you use your constitutional right to vote. Think about the pounds and pounds of rewards that arrive on your doorstep every week. Think about all those emails we send you on the hour every hour. Think about this blog and how good it is. Think about what you want America to be. Think about giving us more money, we can use it better than you can. We will use it better than you will. We will become the most successful entity in the country. Eventually we will become the most powerful company in the history of the universe and we won’t stop there. Get on our side now before its too late.

What Does Golden Glass Mean to You? That was our question we sent out to many of our best customers this month and guess what kind of response we got? A pretty good one. When asked to compose a 12,000 word essay, many customers passed but opted instead to fill out a ten question survey. Here are the results from more than 76,000 of our loyal (paying) customers. The most popular answers are in bold.

1. How would you rate the rewards program overall?
a. Above average
b. Atrocious
c. Doesn’t even qualify for a rating, its so bad
d. Average

2. How much personal connection do you have with your rewards account specialist?
a. None
b. Some
c. I hate them
d. I am not aware of what they do

3. Do you recommend rewards programs to friends?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Have no friends
d. I would feel uncomfortable doing this

4. Are your rewards getting better as time goes on?
a. Yes I see an improvement
b. They have not changed
c. I am not able to judge this
d. They might have changed for the worse

5. How has the GG Rewards Blog added to your rewards experience
a. It gives me something else to do at work
b. I am not aware of the blog
c. I have avoided the blog, but hear that it is really good
d. It has made my rewards experience better

6. How you would rate GG Rewards as compared other rewards systems?
a. You guys know what you are doing
b. You blow away the competition
c. You could learn a thing or two from Siebens Rewards Ltd.
d. I have never been rewarded by anyone else

7. Do you feel you rewards are fulfilling?
a. Maybe
b. Sometimes
c. I don’t want them to be
d. No

8. How is our customer service overall?
a. I feel taken care of
b. I feel like a number lost in the matrix of your company
c. You only care about my money
d. Totally satisfied

9. How likely are you to add additional rewards programs in the future?
a. Not likely
b. Very Likely
c. Somewhat likely
d. I cannot afford any more programs, ever

10. What could we improve on?
a. Nothing
b. Everything
c. One thing
d. Two things

Please stop forwarding your ballots to us. We have received over 10,000 blank ballots with instructions for us to vote for you. We never intended for that to happen. Any comments or correspondance we may have made were an error on our part.

GGI has just announced an accordance with billionaire T. Boone Pickens. Often noted for his smart ways and justifiable means, Pickens has been a long time inhabitant of earth and gotten some things right here and there. You may also remember his cameo on the popular comedy show Seinfeld. He has some commericials and talks on shows too. With his plan, he wants to change the world and that is good for us too. Look for more about this relationship with the popular man and this good company.

Sorry, folks, but we had to nip this one in the bud. Due to several laws, ordinances and societal conventions, we are not able to proceed with our plans to host a party for our customers. We are very sorry to the 40,000 plus people who contacted us showing interest. The good news is, there remains a small chance that you will receive a refund on your deposit, keep your fingers crossed.

Still without plans for the holiday season? If so, consider this, a somewhat large party for all GGI Rewards customers. Hosted in Reno, NV, the party will include food, fun and of course, rewards. More details to follow.

Set Golden Glass Rewards as Your Home Page

This month we take a closer look at the Scholarly Textiles Department. This department premiered in 2008 to universal confusion and a record loss in profits. Though, once customers stuck their toe in the lava, they realized the burn wasn’t too bad and the department eventually got back to “break even” status. Over the last few months, subscribers have been treated to rewards such as “Karl Marx Hoodie”, “Shakespeare Nylon Valance”, and “Aristotle Flame Retardant Peacoat”. These became “hot items” and were quickly knocked off by several foreign companies and sold online. GGI was able to quickly sue all of the companies involved in the infringement, and monopolize the world of Scholarly Textiles once again. Looking to the future, Scholarly Textiles has begun a new series based on the life of Rhodes Scholars such as “Strobe Talbott Tobaggen”, “George Stephanopoulos Throw Pillows” and “Terrence Malik Mumu”. Always looking to completely dominate the competition, GGI was able to “forge” some “records” and obtain the patent rights to all blankets and quilts. This put earnings through the roof and has reasserted GGI as a worldwide player. Not even a year old, Scholarly Textiles has firmly established itself as one of the Top 100 Rewards Programs.

Saddingly every month we must retire several rewards programs. Perhaps the subscriptions are low, the interest is declining or we just don’t care about them anymore. For this month, all discontinued rewards subscriptions will be diverted to “cats” rewards memberships. If you have a problem with “cats” rewards, please contact your personal rewards liaison. If you are already subscribed to “cats” rewards, you will be diverted to “blustery winds” rewards. The following rewards programs have been discontinued:
1. Tropical Diseases
2. Cold War Commemorative Playing Cards
3. Melted Ice
4. Tangerine Dreams
5. Flavorless Gum
6. Personal Tooth Carving Kits
7. Stolen Road Signs
8. Loose Mercury
9. This Month in Heresy

We are pleased to announce an exciting new rewards feature. This offer is limited, so sign up now. If you are an existing customer, please contact your personal rewards liaison. If you interested in becoming a member, please email us at and reference this offer. This offer is only good for the remainder of October. There may never be any offer like this again. Our quantities are limited, be the first to get in on this great opportunity. There has never been an offer like this in the past.

Hello Golden Glass Fans, I write to you to inform you that the author of the Golden Glass Rewards blog thus far, has retired. By that, I mean she has gone missing, without a trace as they say. Her name was Marta, she was a good blogger and she will be missed. The blog will carry on with stunning regularity now authored by myself Forsythe Temple. I have been a Golden Glass International Employee for 5 years and this is now my main responsibility. You may notice some changes in the blog, but they will all be for the best in the end. I’m sorry that this, my first post, is very boring.

For a variety of reasons, the issue on most people’s minds right now is the economy. We’ve set our minds on maintaining the best rewards progrmams ever, but thought we could take a break for a few days. Though we here at Golden Glass have for been unaffected for the most part, we are concerned for our customers. In an effort to find out whats going on with this stock stuff, we have employed a team of financial investigators to get to the bottom of this whole thing. Our goal is to get everyone in the country back into the jobs or houses they lost. By the end of the week we hope to have everything back to normal.

Add Golden Glass Rewards to Your Bookmarks

We are pleased to announce six new rewards plan options. As a one time special we are offering these six as free programs to first time rewards program customers. If you are an existing rewards customer and wish to add one of these new programs to your current subscription, you may do so at a cost of $5.99 per program. Please use product code CMFL1907.
Our new programs are:
1. Snobbery
2. Intangible Love
3. Message Boards
4. Faux Colors
5. Swatch Watch Knock-Offs
6. South Face Jackets

Questions? Please contact your local rewards representative or

Golden Glass International’s Parent Company Golden Glass Global Independent has been purchased by Golden Glass Global Gateway Incorporated. Company officials have been working on the buyout for weeks and are excited about the new directions that GGGGI will take GGGI and all subsidiaries, including Golden Glass International and Golden Glass Rewards. GGGGI is also a part of Levitron Industries and Machines Heal Ltd. so many aspects of the buyout will be as smooth as silver. Look for more details in the coming weeks.

Well, accidents happen. There have been so many movies and books made about situations like this, it was pretty much inevitable. All clothes get old and tear or rip, and our universe is pretty old by now. So anyway, we’ll spare you all the gory details and skip to the end. We sowed the hole back up and everything* is fine*.

*GGI cannot guarantee that “everything” is fine
*GGI cannot guarantee that everything is “fine”

Visit Golden Glass Rewards Blog Daily

Golden Glass Rewards has finally achieved its main goal only a year after its inception. Based on our recent complete customer census and survey, we have reached 100% customer satisfaction. How did we do it you ask? Well, we got rid of all the ones who weren’t satisfied. Luckily our customer outsourcing program is top notch. In the coming weeks we will be outsourcing nearly 20,000 people from the U.S.A. to places like Svenmark, Slovavia and Kenland. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of these places, our outsourcing is just that good. Hopefully this will serve as a valuable lesson to all our customers who are unappreciative, whiny or neutral about their rewards. Consider this a warning.

Golden Glass Scientists have discovered a part of the universe that no one else ever knew existed. While the element has yet to be officially recognized by the scientific community, GGI researchers promise it will shock many when all the details are finally announced. When asked about its properties, Steve Henrap, a GGI chemist said, “It’s a lot like oxygen, but kinda different. I can see how other people have been mistaking it for oxygen all this time.” When asked if this new element could help scientists combat global warming in any way Henrap said, “Under no circumstances can I see this discovery helping anyone.”

Golden Glass International has sold the rights to Socrates, we really shouldn’t have messed with that guy in the first place. After acquiring the rights to all of his life less than a week ago, GGI experts scoured his writings, teachings, philosophies and the off broadway play he wrote. The staff found that none of it produced anything valuable. The rights were purchased by our competitor Siebens Rewards Ltd. for a price of $23,000. Thats a profit of $22,963 for us. So long Socrates, we wish we had never known you.

Some of our customers are a little confused, and frankly so are we, well not really. It seems the two words “golden” and “glass”, are quite hot in the business world these days. Below is our official list of sad imitators:

Golden Glass, Inc. – Described as a glazing contractor, this company has something to do with curtain wall systems and making buildings look more shinier, as if thats what our society needs right now.

The Golden Glass- We tried to understand what this company was all about, after reading the phrase “Slow Food Manifesto” on their website several times, we gave up.

Golden Glass Net- This is literally just a website with an under construction gif, brilliant.

Golden Glass Design- Their website says the company specializes in the designing and installation of custom frameless shower enclosures, mirrors and storefront applications. If someone can tell me why this a good way to make money.

GG Rewards Dot Com- The “GG” stands for “Global Gaming”, our lawsuit is pending.

According to scientists or scientologists, one of the two, cats are evolving at an exponential rate as of the last couple days. Many predict that cats will have the ability to talk within the next two years. Enter Golden Glass International. When a cat finally says the first cat-word(s) ever, GGI will be there with a press conference and several balloons. In order to accomplish this, GGI with the help of their parent company GGGI, has purchased the rights to cats. Much like their recent acquisition of Socrates, GGI nows owns all rights and profits from all cats related articles and thereabouts. This of course includes Catwoman,, Thundercats, Felix the Cat, The Cat in the Hat, and that one song about how the cat came back the very next day. If you own a cat or are currently borrowing one, GGI will be contacting you in the coming weeks to discuss the future of your cat with you. This of course requires the largest stray cat roundup in the history of the world. If you would like to volunteer your services to help GGI round up stray cats in your area please leave a comment below.

Ever heard of Socrates? We hadn’t either until today when GGI announced that they have officially acquired the rights to everything the Greek philosopher has ever written, said, drawn, done, thought, wondered, suspected and pondered. Apparently he accomplished lots, but now we are going to be taking credit for it. Quotes such as “Virtue was the most valuable of all possessions; the ideal life was spent in search of the Good. Truth lies beneath the shadows of existence, and it is the job of the philosopher to show the rest how little they really know”, now belong to  us and naturally we will tweek them a little here and there so they actually make sense and are not as boring. A special thanks goes out to GGI field agent Tarkben Fromlish who wisely purchased the Socrates rights at an estate sale in West Virginia for $37. From now on when Socrates is quoted or a book of his is checked out from a library or bought at a bookstore, GGI is cashing a fatty check. Thanks Mr. Socrates, sorry we made you drink that poison. Please note that the name is now pronounced soe-crayts, no longer saw-crah-tees.

Golden Glass Global Independent has announced Tuesday that they have purchased the rights to Net 3.0. In recent years the term Net 2.0 has been applied to various things that are in someway different than Net 0.0 and Net 1.0. GGGI engineers really have little idea as to what Net 3.0 is, but when they figure it out they will have the rights to it. The blogosphere has often theorized that Net 3.0 will be the point when technology becomes self aware and takes over the universe (see Terminator 1 and 2, but not 3). Not only is GGGI not worried about this, they are very excited about the possibility. Customers should start to see Net 3.0 subscription offers available within the next few months.

GGI is proud to announce our first live rewards kiosk in Las Vegas on that strip. Customers who visit the official GGI booth will be able to access instantaneous* rewards. Rewards subscribers will simply need to supply their GGI member card, GGI Rewards membership card, drivers license, birth certificate and pass a quick DNA test to have access to their rewards program on the spot. If this venture is successful, you may begin to see GGI kiosks in other places. GGI officials say the ultimate goal is to make the kiosks as prevalent as ATMs, vending machines and hot dog stands. More information to come.

*GGI cannot guarantee that rewards will be instantaneous or even fast.